Hand & Foot

Hand & Foot

Tori and Chris taught us a great new card game called Hand & Foot. You play in teams of two with six decks of cards. We learned it was a great help to have an automatic card shuffler in order to get the best shuffle possible.

Chris has developed an excellent online Hand & Foot Scorecard and points can be generated by a perfect 22-card draw when you start, producing dirty and clean books (a clean book has only cards of the same number or face while a dirty book uses wildcards – 2s and Jokers), being the first team to get a minimum of at least three dirty and clean books, and total points of all card used.

You play three rounds and each round has a higher number of book start points (called melding) you must begin with to start playing your cards. The team with the most points after three rounds is the winner.

We played two times with Chris and Greg winning the first match and Melinda and Tori winning the second match. Match three will be played at some point in the future and the stakes are high.

We have the rules and the online scorecard so we look forward to playing this game with you.

One thought on “Hand & Foot

  1. I’m game for that! I look forward to learning a new card game with you all. I’ll check out the on-line info to get a head start.

    Sounds like you all had a wonderful visit with friends in Ashville.

    Hope there may be a chance to see you on your way back north. If a detour isn’t in the cards, then beep your horn three long blasts when you crossover from RI to MA.

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