A Few Random Thoughts

A Few Random Thoughts

For what it’s worth here are a few random thoughts from the road:

Random Thought #1: Potatoes. The week we were in PEI was prime potato harvesting season. The number of potato trucks (and I am search of a toy potato truck to give Ralph for Christmas) we saw and passed was incredible. Each year approximately 2.5 billion pounds of potatoes are harvested and shipped to locations around the world. Mr. Potato Head is smiling!

Random Thought #2: Two Books. Two of the books I have read this trip I have given 3 out of 3 stars. The first is The Day the World Ended at Little Big Horn by Joseph M. Marshall III. This historical fiction book tells the story of Little Big Horn from the the Lakota’s viewpoint. The second book, Wit and Wisdom by Joan Newton Radner (Jo will be telling stories at the WCC Community Potluck Supper) is about the lyceum movement – providing small town community members with the opportunity to build trust and engage in issues of the day – during the 1800s. Gave me lots to think about regarding WCC’s Common Ground programming.

Random Thought #3: PEI Churches. Second to potatoes on PEI were churches. While the main religion is Christian Catholic, there were churches for every faith. The church buildings are enormous. There are 157,000 people living on PEI and many of the churches are in very small towns. Makes me wonder how full/empty the churches are on Sunday.

Random Thought #4: Recycling. While every country is challenged by plastic and other recycling issues, I have been very impressed by how proactive Canada (especially the Canadian Parks) is about advocating for recycling and making recycling easy. Everywhere you turn you are reminded to recycle.

Random Thought #5: PEI Lawns. When we lived in Tiverton we had to maintain five acres including at least three acres of grass. Two stipulations (both successful) in moving to NH were: 1) an outdoor shower and 2) no grass. As reported earlier the PEI lawns are immaculate. In speaking to various PEI residents I questioned why and the answer was – we are proud of where we live.

Random Thought #6: Washington, DC. OMG – the circus gets wilder every day. I have to admit not understanding (and yes I have listened to all the reasons) why President Joe Biden’s popularity is not higher. President Joe and his team have worked hard to settle the ship and head America in the right direction. The Republicans have no agenda except to break government. I do wish President Joe was younger or there was a person who could step in and continue to move America and the world forward, but we cannot afford to take a step back. Go Joe and let’s win back the House and get more Senate seats. Although slowly, the tide is turning and putting any Republican in the White House is a major step backwards.

One thought on “A Few Random Thoughts

  1. Your mind is always so in touch with your experience. I admire that so much. Were there any Buddhist churches in PEI that you noticed? Keep on posting.

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